New Vancouver Bike Lanes to Add to Crown Jewel of BC City

Vancouver City Council gave the go-ahead this week to add a few more kilometers of bicycle lanes to the city, filling in an important gap in a 28-kilometer cycling and pedestrian route that begins near the city’s famous Stanley Park.


New Greenway

This new greenway will extend the crown jewel of the city. People come from all over the world to ride bicycles around Stanley Park and False Creek and this will add to it. It’s going to be a huge economic and environmental benefit for the city.

The Seaside Greenway and York Bikeway project will connect BurrardStreetBridge to JerichoBeach with protected and pedestrian bicycle lanes. The new lane will allow for uninterrupted pedestrian and bicycle travel with False Creek, EnglishBay and StanleyPark.

Bicycle commuters and recreational walkers and cyclists commended the city’s move. The improvements are set to start in the fall.

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