Katelyn Steen
Katelyn Steen -Runner, Aspiring Athletic Massage Therapist
Katelyn recently graduated from Western Washington where she was a seven-time All-American in track and cross country including a runner up finish in the 3k steeplechase. She studied kinesiology and hopes to become an athletic massage therapist. Katelyn enjoys racing because it gives her the opportunity to get outside on the local trails everyday, and the excuse to travel often. Katelyn currently coaches other athletes and works out at Everybody’s gym and and the Bellingham Bay Running Company.
Upcoming races
April 1- Standard Invitational 3k Steeple
April 13- Mt Sac Invitational 3k steeple
May 1- Payton Jordan invite 3k steeple
July 4th– US Olympic Trials 3k steeple (if all goes well)
July- travel/racing in Sweden/Finland/Norway
September 15– Klondike Road Relay with Skinny Raven Sports
October 17– Paden trail half
December- Traveling to Thailand!!!!!!